"Davide Nido's work is unique, because he paints without painting".
Maurizio Sciaccaluga
Davide Nido uses heterogeneous materials to create complex abstract universes, almost always formed by recurring elements that intertwine on the canvas with different variations and geometries that vary from time to time. He works with an atypical style using resins and bright coloured glues that he pours slowly on the canvas with wisdom and skill, creating sequences of continuing shapes and similar geometries: a rigorous and obsessive game. A real, fantastic work at the same time, extremely studied and calibrated where the appeal to traditional abstraction joins the search for new original forms. "The hot glue," the artist has said, "is a material that stimulates me a lot for its effect of matter. Not by chance do I consider myself, more than a painter, a painter - sculptor". For Galleria Vik Milano, an installation designed by the artist in 2014 was recreated for an exhibition in a museum in Wuhan (China), in which the surface of the painting spreads all over the wall of the room, creating an overabundant and a mazing optical effect. The immersive effect of the work gives the viewer the idea of being immersed directly in the artist's work.
Davide Nido

Davide Nido was born in Milan in 1966. After graduating from the Brera Academy in Milan, he worked for several years in the studio of Aldo Mondino. From a young age he was noticed by important critics, such as Achille Bonito Oliva, who in 1992 invited him to participate in the "Imprimatur" exhibition at the ex - church of San Carpoforo in Milan. Many exhibitions have exhibited his works, in Italy and abroad: Galleria Continua, San Gimignano in 1994, Museo della Permanente, Milan, Fondazione Michetti (Pescara) in 2005, personal exhibitions at the Galerie Gianna Sistuin, Paris in 2007 and the Bonelli Contemporary, Los Angeles in 2008, the Farnesina Collection at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, 2008, the "Terna Award" at the Temple of Hadrian, Rome, 2009 and the 53rd Venice Biennial at the Italian Pavilion in 2009. He died in Milan, at the age of 48, in 2014